“Volunteer workers are among the most precious things that the Church has who express the most noble desires of the human heart, making a suffering person feel loved." – Pope Francis
Call to Ministry
Looking for a way to make a difference? Ministries need volunteers!
Liturgical Ministry
- Altar Guild - The profound call to prepare and maintain the altar, sacred vessels, linens, and deocrations.
- Altar Servers – The important call to serve at the Altar of the Lord, to help the Presider and the Deacon pray with the faithful but also help uplift our liturgy with your witness. Volunteers must have received the sacrament of First Holy Communion.
- Children's Liturgy - Assists with presenting Liturgy of the Word with Children. Children's Liturgy is suitably adapted to be relevant to the lives and experiences of young children preparing them for full participation in the Liturgy. It gives them an opportunity to receive and respond to the Sunday readings.
- Choir - The Choir’s role has great importance in the Parish’s Liturgy. Members of the choir (music ministry) share in the proper performance of the music sung, and encourage the activeparticipation of the faithful in the singing.
- Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Eucharist – The special call to be able to distribute communion to the faithful during Mass, but also to help bring the Eucharist to those who are ill, elderly, or shut-in, if able.
- Lectors – the call for readers to assist both at the weekday and weekend liturgies. Whether you are a young person or a person of experience, please consider serving at the Lector to proclaim the Scripture readings at Mass and announce the intentions for the Prayers of the the Faithful.
- Liturgical Hospitality: Greeters & Ushers - To serve the Liturgy by helping to establish a climate of welcome, helpfulness and order among those gathered. They assist the assembly with practical details so that the Liturgy and Sacred Rites can be celebrated with ease and grace. We are looking for people to assist at our Saturday evening and Sunday morning liturgies.
- Sacristans - Provides behind the scene direction and support for all liturgical celebrations. Ensures the timely and orderly set up of all elements necessary for the liturgy.
Non-Liturgical Ministry
- Parish Counters - Volunteers are needed to help count the weekly collection and the donations given to the parish community through various means. Volunteers are organized into teams and each team gathers monthly to count the collections on Sundays, then deposits them into the bank.
- Social Committee Members - The Social Committee helps to promote a welcoming, receptive and active social environment in the parish by planning and implementing various social events, celebrations and activities occurring at the parish. The Social Committee Members assist in the planning and organization of these events.
If you are interested in volunteering with the community of St. John's Parish, please click on the form below. You may also speak with Fr. Joshua Roldan or contact the Parish Office for more information.
Volunteer Registration Form